Venue Assessment

Venue Assessment


Are you opening a new venue or looking to revamp your current offering?

Our venue assessments provide an opportunity for one of our skilled and experienced planners to come in and review your venue, talk to you about your goals, how you’re currently marketing your business, review your strategy and the logistics and processes you use as well as a review of the venue layout and aesthetics to create a plan for how you can take your venue to the next level and achieve your strategic goals.

You’ll receive a full overview of first impressions as well as a comprehensive suite of recommendations for changes to:

  • Venue aesthetics

  • Venue layout

  • Venue logistics

  • Marketing plans

  • Website and online presence

  • Strategy

  • Ceremony planning and logistics (if relevant)

  • And anything else you’ve either asked for or that we have identified as an area for potential improvement.

As experts in both the full logistics and execution of weddings as well as operational improvement (process and performance), we can give you a comprehensive and informed report on how you can elevate the business and achieve your strategic goals while attracting your ideal clientele.

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